Monday, November 14, 2016

Why is John so abusive towards Jane?

It is clear that nobody in the Reed family is very fond of Jane, but why is John physically abusive toward Jane?


  1. I feel like John is abusive towards Jane because he gets a sense of power and authority from beating Jane. Of course, he just might be that kind of person, but I really do think that he enjoys seeing someone being in pain caused by his cruelty. And the perfect person to be doing this to is Jane Eyre, the one who was never part of their family to begin with.

  2. I feel that John is rather abusive to Jane for a few reasons. One reason is I think that when John's dad was alive he favored Jane over John and that really hurt John. I also think that John just is a really angry child and wants to hurt Jane because she was kind of just added to the family. He thinks since he is the oldest guy in the house he has to take charge.

  3. John may have been fearful of Jane. Maybe he wanted to ensure that Jane wasn't liked, so she wouldn't steal attention from him. John may have sensed that she was a threat to his status in the household. Because Jane is an orphan, John may have thought she would receive sympathy from his family. He hated her because there was a chance she would receive more attention from the family than John receives.


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