Thursday, November 17, 2016

Aubrie Parde: Will Jane ever go back to her aunts house? Will she confront her about what she did now that she is grown and mature?

Will Jane ever go back to her aunts house? Will she confront her about what she did now that she is grown and mature?

I think she will go back, only if something happens to her aunt or her cousins. Jane has so much hatred towards her family that only a death or sickness might bring her back. If she sees her aunt, she will probably confront her now. She is somewhat of an equal to her aunt because Jane is now an adult,  so it might be a fair match.

1 comment:

  1. I think Jane will visit or see her Aunt and cousins again someday. She has matured enough that if she gets lonely she might go back just to remember her old life. Right now Jane is on such an expedition for adventure that it is quite possible that by the end of the book she may go back to somewhere familiar. Another reason she might go back is if John Eyre come looking for her again at her Aunts house. I think he will and that will be what causes Jane to go back to Gateshead. What will happen with her family with her family is up in the air. If I had to guess it might be a fearful and curious confrontation, rather then an angry one. So, while I disagree with you on the way they might interact and why, I do think she will go back to Gateshead. Great question!


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