Sunday, December 11, 2016

"In Our Time Podcast" -Hanna Hosic

   The women who were discussing the novel seemed very knowledgeable. They made good connections, and explained things in the novel in relation to her life that changed the way I thought about it in some ways.

    It was kind of difficult to understand at times, and also got boring because it was long.

    One thing they talked about that I hadn't really thought about before is how the novel relates to Cinderella. Jane starts out as an orphan being raised by her aunt, who she sees as very cruel and mean. Her cousin John always treated her badly and she never really felt loved.
     Charlotted Bronte was not an instant success. Her first book was rejected many times, but this only made her want to be successful even more. This translates over to her book. Jane is usually more in the position of doing the rejecting, as she rejects both Mr. Rochester's and St John's inital marriage proposals.
      I thought it was really interesting to look at how the novel compares to Cinderella, and other stories like it. It made made me think of the other influences Bronte had while writing the novel, such as the work of Shakespeare. I wonder if I could find other elements in her story that were influenced by great writers such as he.


  1. I found it interesting that they compared the story to Cinderella and how closely related they are. This makes me think that maybe Jane Eyre was not based off all of Charlotte Bronte's life, but was taken from other stories also.

  2. I agree that is interesting and something I had not thought of before listening to this podcast. I think it is kind of ironic that all Jane's life she has been rejected, by her aunt and cousins, at Lowood, and then for her to end up being the one rejecting others by the end. Her confidence and self respect has obviously grown tremendously.

  3. I had never really thought about how Jane Eyre relates to other books, especially Cinderella. It was very interesting to see your thought about how they related. Now that I have thought about it, I can see some of the ways that it relates. It was a very interesting thought.

  4. The comparison between Jane Eyre and Cinderella is very captivating because Jane is described as plain and ugly, while Cinderella is the opposite. It would be interesting to know if Cinderella had anything to do with Jane Eyre. This comes to show that writers must also be readers. Many writers read the work of others and come up with new ideas that they incorporate in their work.

  5. The comparison of Charlotte Bronte's life and Cinderella make me think that Bronte's work of Jane Eyre wasn't just inspiration and motivated by her childhood and past but also other authors of the time and even other well known stories that influenced her writing and maybe even her technique.

  6. I agree with you, I think that after hearing someone else compare a book to others it makes you realize that all books are based off of other books. That is one of the main topics that Thomas Foster talks about in his novel, How to Read Literature like a Professor. After remembering that section in his book, I was able to make connections to stories that I never would have been able to make before.


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