Monday, December 12, 2016

"In Our Time" Podcast - Tyler Pester

-Expanded on more things than just the story itself
-Compares events in Charlotte's life to occurrences in the novel
-Helped me better understand some of the elements from the story
-Brought up other pieces that I hadn't realized or thought of before

-The male speaker was often hard to understand and liked breathing into the microphone
-Got off topic a few times and talked about things that didn't always relate to Jane Eyre

What acquired my interest
The podcast led me to several little epiphanies, but there was one chunk that stood out.  That piece was when the speakers were describing Jane and why Bronte chose for her to be so ordinary and plain.
While thinking of Jane, many educated readers are able to notice the resemblance between her and Charlotte Bronte.  This leaves the reader wondering if she is writing about her own life.The commentator describes Jane as mysterious in her self-worth, and a heroine who is short and plain.  She is also known to be very honest and trustworthy.  Jane is labeled as plain because she isn't beautiful and the way she speaks and dresses is very simple and ordinary.  However, being simple doesn't make Jane unattractive, she just isn't the girl in a man's dreams.  By being this way, it complicates Jane's romantic experiences, adding another dimension to the novel.


  1. I think Jane is beautiful in her own way by the way she lives her life. She blossoms into a very powerful character to show her self-worth and dignity. I think Rochester likes how independent Jane is how she can fight her own battles without needing a man in her life.

  2. I also noticed the resemblance between Bronte and Jane that this podcast highlighted. In Bronte's life she was also plain. However, she saw a sense of beauty in her own plainness. I feel that Charlotte lacked a lack of people attracted in her because of her plainness, and she wanted the plain women to find love. That is why she made Jane the way she did.


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