Monday, December 12, 2016

"In Our Time" - Gus Woeppel


  • Made elements from the story very clear
  • Linked Charlotte Bronte's life and Jane Eyre's- Autobiographical
  • Expanded Story
  • Very Informative
  • At certain times they covered topics that were rather deep and confusing

Image result for charlotte bronte
I found it very interesting how this podcast highlighted the autobiographical element of the story. Bronte's father founded a school at age 16. He was her hero. In the story, education was Jane's profession. On top of that Jane had a heroine with a background in education, Miss Temple. In Bronte's life she attended an awful school, where two of her sisters died. Jane's school, Lowood, was also known for underfed children and death. Jane was an orphan in the book. In real life, Bronte lost her mother when she was 5. In Jane Eyre there are numerous instances where there are similar situation that Jane endures that Charlotte endured in her own life. This podcast did a fantastic job of illuminating these events.


  1. While listening to the podcast I also connected with Bronte's life and her novel. She based it off her life, but added a major twist to bring out important parts of the book. There are way too many elements that connect to the novel to prove that it can't be a coincidence that she has a connection with her masterpiece.

    1. I agree with both you. The podcast gave much support in autobiographic Charlotte's work. The amount of connects to Jane and Charlotte are number less and the podcast helped confirm many ideas that readers had. I think that this podcast was the best out of the two because of the amount of information and details it gives on both Charlotte and Jane.


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